Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cold War II

Most of us have little or no memory of what it was like to live in constant fear of the Russians. That was in the age of our parents and perhaps our older siblings. We have certainly read many books on the topic, but we have not experienced it ourselves. This could change very quickly.
We are witnessing history repeat itself. The previous century experienced two World Wars and one Cold War and there appears, at least for the sake of symmetry, to be a second Cold War on the way, if it is not already upon us.

There are several concerns that I would like to express about the brewing conflict between the West and Russia.

1) As an American (NOT as an Israeli!), I understand that we can afford to be patient with Iran, to exhaust certain if not all diplomatic options. A nuclear Iran would certainly be a threat to America and the West, but not an immediate one, not one that could not be contained or moderated. There are many uncertainties that surround the Iranian nuclear program. However, as Russia gathers against us, there are no questions. We are all too aware of their potential and they have already given us a taste of their willingness to use force in the recent continuing conflict in Georgia. Russia has been on the top before and wants to return to her former prestige. Russia is an immediate threat that must be dealt with properly and swiftly. The problem is, that in our multi-cultural, post-modern, political correctness we will lose the war from the outset if we do not react. Time is a luxury we cannot afford. The more we wait, the more opportunities we give them time to gather allies and to make plans (which they probably already have). We must not lose time in doing the same, in preparing for what we fear most. I don't know if the answer has to be militarily or diplomatically, but either way, there must be a reaction, it must be quick and without hesitation. We cannot afford to show weakness.

2) Europe. Europe is a staunch ally of America and although they are generally more liberal, which only accentuates the concern mentioned above, in the end of the day, they will side with us. However, they have stymied themselves over energy. Perhaps they were right in pursuing any and all forms of alternative or renewable energy. They are mostly dependent on others for energy, especially the Russians. The Europeans will have an extremely difficult time dealing with the Russians because if offered any provocation, Medvedev(or Putin, or whoever is really in charge) could cut off Europe's electricity in an instant. All the more reason for a quick and decisive reaction.

3) My last concern is about how far we are willing to go. In my opinion, one of the major reasons that the Palestinians are winning the media war against Israel is that they are not ashamed to lie to further their cause. Their lies are perhaps not outright, malicious ones but more subtle omissions of truths, half or twisted truths. I think that much is the same with the Russians. They are willing to tell outright lies, to tell half-truths, partial truths etc., whatever it takes. This might not be beneficial to them in the long-run, but in the short term, they come off looking better. I am not looking to support a policy of lying but I think that our leaders must be aware of this fact and must have proper guidance on how to deal with it.

In light of the information revolution (i.e. the internet) and the modern age of gloabalization there will obviously be many differences between the Cold War that ended in 1989 and the conflict that is approaching, much like there were many differences between the two world wars. It will be our job to ensure that history will repeat itself to the extent that the war will remain contained and will end without violence.


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